[Agenda] 3 April Tokenization Task Force call

Dear Tokenization Task Force Participants,

Here is the agenda for our 3 April call (11:30-12:30 ET):

* Data requirements for TSP APIs. We asked Amex, Discover, Mastercard, and Visa
  to determine whether the data currently available through the combination of PR API,
  Payment Handler, and the draft Tokenized Card Payment method specification is
  sufficient for a payment handler to be able to invoke network-specific APIs to TSPs.
  I’d like to check in on the state of research.

* Encryption. (No updates that I know of)

* Adrian Hope-Bailie will lead discussion in the tokenization breakout session on:
  encryption, data model, potential convergence of *Pay, discussion of browser support, 
  discussion of data adequacy with respect to TSP APIs. After the breakout we will
  report out findings to the larger working group.

Meeting invitation:

Talk to you then,

Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 2 April 2018 15:19:39 UTC