Rechartering and HTTP Payments

Hi Web Payments WG (CC the WCIG),

I recently submitted the following Internet Draft for consideration by the
HTTP working group at IETF:

TL;DR: Pass payment requests in HTTP headers to allow for non-interactive
payments (IoT, paid APIs and other use cases are the obvious ones).

I plan on attending IETF 100 and soliciting interest in this work from the

In discussing this with the chairs of the HTTP WG they suggested we
establish a formal liaison on this and provide some public expression of
interest that will encourage the HTTP WG participants to contribute to the

As such, I am proposing that we include this for consideration in our
rechartering discussions next week.

Specifically I would like to include in the new charter that we will
explore non-interactive use cases and mechanisms for using the work we have
done to date to define standards around these.

Also that we will work with the HTTP WG to define an appropriate protocol
for using the  402 (Payment Required) http response code, currently defined
as "Reserved for Future Use".


Received on Friday, 3 November 2017 10:52:37 UTC