Overview of Payment App dev call Nov 14th, 2016

Hello all,

On Monday a few of us got together for a quick chat about getting started on developing some reference payment apps and support from the browsers. The following is a brief account of that call.

Attendees (Present): Conor Hackett, Rouslan Solomakhin, Tommy Thorsen, Dongwoo Im
Attendees (Regrets): Ian Jacobs, Adrian Hope-Bailie

Discussion overview:


*         Intro from Conor - Worldpay happy to develop reference native and web payment app, with focus on web.

*         Intro from Tommy, Opera, main developer of Payments in Opera. Focus on Android. Contribute web payments and third party app support in browser. Samsung have already started work on Chromium. Samsung committing changes to Chromium Core, which is base for Opera on Android.

*         Intro from Dongwoo, Samsung. Lead engineer, for payments team. Team members have started working on implementing third party payment app support in Chromium. More engineers will join that work in the future. Develop is happening but not fast.

*         Rouslan intro - Working on payments effort in Google Chrome. Team lead with a few other people participating. Currently implementing payment app support in Chrome, with support from Samsung using the Service Worker approach. Working on native payment app support in Android Chrome. Circulated document on third party app integration on Android Chrome.

Browsers: existing/planned support for third party apps

*         Tommy: Not much support for third party apps in Opera now

*         Rouslan: Nothing to show publicly just yet. Working on security checks and will slowly roll out, with Android being first. Android has more users. We want to ensure anything in the app is efficient. Don't want to be the bottleneck during checkout. On desktop we will have service worker based apps. Not figured out UX yet. Tab/Window/Overlay??

*         Tommy: PMI Spec says, should be SW scope URL. Have merchant recommended payment to begin with. If merchant has recommended app, scope URL may not work.

*         Rouslan: Identify apps by scope URL.

Known blockers and possible resolutions/workaround

*         Conor: How will web apps be rendered? i.e. Should the browser recognise that something is a web app and present some kind of dialog to load the app?

*         Rouslan: Native apps may work better, due to space limitations. Web overlay on mobile would be full screen.

*         Rouslan: No specifier for web/native app in spec.

*         Tommy: Recommended payment apps might point to something to let the user agent use Android app or SW app (if both exist). For Worldpay, maybe want to consider developing both a web app and Android.

*         Conor: Having no support. How to launch app from browser right now?

*         Rouslan: Look into Service Workers. Could write a merchant website that knows Service Worker is installed in browser. Talk to that Service Worker via hardcoded URL. Use experimental Android chrome version and write against that. (Rouslan to share this experimental build).

*         Tommy: Did try to write extension that hooked into PaymentRequest.show() - Was difficult due to permissions and security model in browser.

*         Tommy: Samsung have started working on Service Worker based approach. And Tommy also.

How shall we work going forward

*         Conor: Questions on how we work.

*         Dongwoo: Merge with Task Force call.

*         Rouslan: Apps task force focus on Service Worker.

*         Tommy: Advantageous to keep communications open and on public mailing list. That way, new actors can see and join in along the way.

*         Rouslan: Public mailing list. Keep open to encourage app development.

*         Rouslan: When Chrome launches features, they need to reference public support. Having a private channel will slow down the process, as participants will need to publicly announce efforts. With mailing list, Rouslan can reference directly.

Next steps

*         Rouslan: Native app support for Android is priority - will continue developing that

*         Dongwoo Priority seems to native app first

*         Tommy: Continue work on implementing Payment Request into Opera.

*         Conor: Start building out PoC payment app (Native+Web)

*         Summarize this call and post to the group. (this email message).



*         Android Payment App proposal: https://docs.google.com/a/chromium.org/document/d/1izV4uC-tiRJG3JLooqY3YRLU22tYOsLTNq0P_InPJeE/edit?usp=drive_web

*         Samsung has proposed several improvements to this spec that not yet in doc:

o   Pass merchants certificate to the payment app

o   The manifest file should contain the minimum version of the payment app

Kind Regards,

Conor Hackett - Innovation Analyst

M: +44 (0) 7785 608719
E: conor.hackett@worldpay.com<mailto:conor.hackett@worldpay.com>

The Walbrook Building, 25 Walbrook | London EC4N 8AF | United Kingdom

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Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2016 13:20:16 UTC