W3C WPWG: Dinner for tonight

Here is the menu for tonight's dinner.
It is at Smiths Bar & Grill, just across Sheldon Square (walk to the canal, turn right, it's the restaurant/bar just before you go under the bridge).

Please select from the menu by 1pm and respond to Ian:  ij@w3.org<mailto:ij@w3.org> [don't respond to the list!]

We'll meet at Smiths at 7pm to sit down at  7.30.
We can meet outside by the canal if the weather is OK, otherwise inside

Sorry I don't have budget for the meal, so you have pay for yourself.


PS. I added Huw because he's not on the list - Ian, do you know anyone else not on the list

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Received on Thursday, 7 July 2016 10:47:37 UTC