Checkout API

Hi all,

I've put together a very rough, preliminary proposal for what I've
called a "Checkout API". This API is really just a set of potential
changes that could be made to the Payment Request API -- but is done so
with the realization that the two "competing" browser API proposals are
actually aimed at solving two different problems at two different layers.

I believe that the Web Payments Browser API [1] aims to be a very
low-level API with a specific focus on getting the user to pick a
Payment App and complete a payment. The Payment Request API [2] aims to
help streamline a more involved checkout process -- and can therefore
add more *on top of* the lower-level API.

My thoughts on this approach can be found here:

We may find that "merging" the competing specs isn't necessary, but
rather, we could produce two different outputs that rely upon one
another but operate at different layers.


Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 4 February 2016 02:22:37 UTC