RE: CfC on publishing HTTP API and Core Messages - ACTION REQUIRED

> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 02:47:20, Telford-Reed, Nick wrote:
> Dear Web Payments Working Group Participants,
> At the F2F in London there was support [1] for issuing a Call for 
> Consensus
> (CFC) to publish two specifications:
> 1. The HTTP API

Microsoft currently has no plans to implement the HTTP API. This will mean we are
unlikely to offer substantive feedback on this spec. Despite that, we support
publishing FPWD. There are people in the working group who want to explore this
direction and we believe it is in scope.

> 2. The Core Messages API

Microsoft does NOT support publishing the Core Messages spec in its current form.
While we agree that the group should align data structures between the HTTP API
and the user agent PaymentRequest API, we believe there will still necessarily
be differences. The current spec describes itself as the Core Messages spec for
Web Payments without clearly linking its use to the HTTP API. We request that at
least the title and abstract be adjusted to make this link clear. With these
changes we would support publication as a FPWD.


Received on Thursday, 18 August 2016 15:59:53 UTC