Re: Basic CT-DD Payment.doc

Thank you, Cyril!

I have taken a pass at converting the document to ReSpec and committing to GitHub as a proposal:

Viewable here:

I didn’t really read the content, I just tried to convert it to ReSpec (and made a small number of tweaks
along the way). For instance, it seems to me that section 5.1 is incomplete.

I am new to this so I may have made mistakes!


> On Apr 6, 2016, at 10:56 AM, VIGNET cyril <> wrote:
> Hello All,
> Following a discussion with Matt, this a first draft of the “basic CT-DD payments” to be considered as the equivalent of the “Basic Card Payments”. I used the same template used for the “Basic Card payments” and the main changes in on chapter 3.
> To summarize :
> -          Generic Credit Transfer / SEPA credit transfer
> o   The credit transfer will be initiated by the user by his own (could be by a connection to his home banking, by going to a branch, ….)
> o   The merchant will only provide his own bank and account number and a field to match at the reception of the Credit Transfer
> -          Generic Direct Debit
> o   The merchant needs only the Bank and Account number of the user
> -          Generic SEPA Direct Debit
> o   The merchant needs only a validation of the user and (depending of the situation) the UMR (unique mandate reference)
> o   Of course, the UMR is provided during a previous process which is the “mandate process” that could be manual or electronic, outside of the scope
> -          Automatically initiated Credit Transfer
> o   There user will not have to manually process the credit transfer but only a validation (It coul be considered as a 3DS version of the Credit Transfer)
> o   I mentioned SEPAmail (French system I know), IDEAL (that Evert should know !!) but there is also a lot of other …
> -          E-mandate system for Direct Debit
> o   Those system enables to validate the IBAN provided by the user and the UMR provided by the merchant.
> o   SEPAmail and IDEAL (but there are others) are also system for e-mandate.
> As I am still handicapped with GitHub, thanks for putting that where it should be.  My proposal should to review as soon as possible this document and to provide it to the specifications.
> Sorry not to be at telcon tomorrow.
> Regards
> Cyril
>     Cyril VIGNET (
>     Département R&D Innovation
>     BCA/Direction des Paiements Groupe
>     Groupe BPCE
>     50, avenue Pierre Mendčs France 75201 Paris cedex 13
>     Tél. : +33 1 58 40 02 34 - Port. : +33 6 22 04 08 56
>     ________________________________________
> <Basic CT-DD Payment-a.doc>

Ian Jacobs <>
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2016 21:48:22 UTC