new P3P plain English draft - please review by 13 August

The user agent task force of the P3P specification working group 
received some good feedback on our previous draft translation of the 
P3P element definitions into plain English. Based on this feedback we 
have made extensive revisions to our draft. We invite feedback on our 
revised draft posted at  
Please send this feedback to us no later than 13 August 2003.

Note that the proposed plain English translations are found in the 
fifth column of the matrix (in blue). This is the wording that we are 
recommending that user agent implementers use to display information 
about P3P policies to end users. We expect to provide translations into 
other languages as well. The plain language translations should be 
consistent with the full definitions given in the P3P specification 
(shown in the third column of the matrix).


Lorrie Faith Cranor -
P3P Specification Working Group Chair -
New book: Web Privacy with P3P -

Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2003 12:08:12 UTC