Future work proposal P3P - area 11 (XML Schema)

Convert P3P data schema to XML schema (Item 11)

There is a simple 1:1 mapping between an XML schema version of the base data
schema and the current mode of expression. This would make it a lot easier
to handle for user agent implementers as many operations require the schema
to be converted into a more standard format in any case. For example
displaying the schema in a tree diagram or creating an array of all possible

The best solution is to write a specification for how the base data schema
can be expressed using XML schema notation, and then to write an xsl
stylesheet which will convert the old schema into the new one.

Resources are available in the JRC (Giles Hogben) to achieve this objective.

Time Frame:
A maximum estimated total time of 15 man days should cover this item,
including comments and integration into spec.

Giles Hogben
CyberSecurity Unit
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC)
European Commission - Euratom Centro Comune di Ricerca
Via Enrico Fermi 1
21020 Ispra,   Italy

Received on Friday, 13 December 2002 08:33:58 UTC