RE: Comments on P3P WD Schema Stuff

Fine with me.

>**-----Original Message-----
>**From: Rigo Wenning [] 
>**Sent: 07 March 2005 17:15
>**To: Giles Hogben
>**Subject: Re: Comments on P3P WD Schema Stuff
>**one can and even should use the P3P dataschema for form-fillers. But 
>**there has to be a warning. A formfiller using P3P dataschema is not 
>**doing any harm. It is rather the fact that statements about 
>**a certain 
>**URI could be misunderstood as the minimum required 
>**information. So the 
>**first sentence doesn't fit my needs. I suggest:
>**It is important to note that in the context of the P3P protocol, 
>**expressions of dataschema and categories are not requests for 
>**particular data types, but rather statements about data handling 
>**practices for data types which you should assume an entity will 
>**Am Monday 07 March 2005 16:53 verlautbarte Giles Hogben :
>**> How about this:
>**> It is important to note that P3P is NOT designed to be used in
>**> auto-form filling applications. This is because P3P 
>**policies are not
>**> requests for particular data types, but rather statements 
>**about data
>**> handling practices for data types which you should assume an entity
>**> will collect.

Received on Monday, 7 March 2005 16:31:54 UTC