MINUTES: 21 July p3p spec call

Dave Stampley
Giles Hogben
Brooks Dobbs
Lorrie Cranor
Serge Egelman
Rigo Wenning (scribe)

1. XML schema stuff
No feedback from Implementers. Number of discussions between Lorrie,
Giles and Rigo Serge found perhaps a way. Discussion about transform
Put new XML Schema in extension schema. Old agents can safely ignore

Conclusion: New Schema is an optional extension. Web sites SHOULD also
provide the extended data schema in the old format. We want to provide
transforms in both directions.

Action: Giles look whether there is an extension mechanism in the
extended dataschema.

This is the last thing before Last Call. We shouldn't wait for Serge
finishing the transforms to go to LC.

2. Rechartering timeline - the charter for this working group expired.
Charter [member-only]

Last Call end by begin of October because of holidays
we don't expect much feedback early on

3. CR Exit criteria
have to get implementations to meet exit criteria. Probably 2 user
agents. Schema-Handling will be the biggest issue of implementations.
Series of new tags in extensions. Best would be to go in CR November
and have the implementations by end of February. Giles said, June would
work but February would be rather hard. He will report back to us soon
with a better idea of what is realistic.

Similar to P3P 1.0. Do we want to have real web-site or is testbed
sufficient. Giles also suggests to give pressure on the policy editor.
March-April, the policy editor of JRC might be ready.


Giles has P3P and an example policy and a rule format in OWL. We intend
to do a WG Note

4. Next Call
August 18 is the next call and probable that we will vote on Last Call
on that Call. So everybody is strongly encouraged to verify the latest
Draft and to be on the call.

Received on Wednesday, 21 July 2004 16:45:37 UTC