P3P Generic attribute

Dear all, 

as unique identifiers have the potential to be privacy invasive,
to even create a lot of issues for those who use them,
please look into P3P [1] and EPAL [2]. 

In P3P 1.1 we have established a P3P - attribute to be used 
in such cases. It allows other XML Schema (and Interface) 
builders to address privacy in using P3P in a specific way. 
This means also constraining the use of P3P in a certain way 
as it is used with a certain specification. An example of how this 
could be done can be found in a Team note on using P3P 
in the context of Web Services [3]

I and Lorrie Cranor, the chair of the P3P Working Group,  will
be available for any further question. You can send questions 
to our public mailing-list: public-p3p-spec@w3.org or to our 
member-only list w3c-p3p-specification@w3.org. We will try to 
answer them promptly.

 1. http://www.w3.org/TR/P3P11/
 2. http://www.w3.org/Submission/EPAL/
 3. http://www.w3.org/TeamSubmission/p3p-wsdl/

Rigo Wenning            W3C/ERCIM
Legal Advisor             Privacy Activity Lead
mail:rigo@w3.org        2004, Routes des Lucioles
http://www.w3.org/      F-06902 Sophia Antipolis

Received on Thursday, 8 April 2004 17:47:01 UTC