Re: [Minutes] Call 26 November 2003

Rigo Wenning
Giles Hogben
Brooks Dobbs

Jack Humphrey
Jeff Edelen
Patrick Hung

1/ Service definition in specification

Rigo exposed the issue. Brooks and Giles agreed. 
Giles had questions about how the contact is made. 
resolution-type is service here, but there is also the service 
attribute indicating the URI of customer service.

We decided to do the change.

2/ Discussion about agent relationsships

Rigo introduced the question: 

in the same-entity proposal we distinguish between entity and 
agents. But the <ours /> definition says we and our agents:

We concluded that the definition is not consistent. But it is too
difficult to re-question the compromise found in P3P 1.0. But
perhaps there are addtional classes of recipients missing.

Giles is missing the sentence: "MUST not disclose the data to any
non-declared recipient".  to add to recipient-element. 

We concluded that we don't need same entity and agent proposal, 
but only one procedure. We postponed decision which one follow
and expect more discussion on the mailing-list. 

Next call:
3 December 2003

Received on Wednesday, 26 November 2003 12:10:09 UTC