[CC] Kick-off phone conference for the WG on Consent Choices (CC)

Hi Lorrie,

I just discovered (http://www.w3.org/P3P/2003/03-tf.html) that we are the 
only two members of this group.

I propose to get started by scheduling a phone conference next week.
This enables anybody else who'd be interested to join.

How about next monday (05/12/03) from 11AM-11.45AM EST?

Participant Passcode: 555588
Toll Phone Number: 1-719-955-1383
Toll Free Phone Number: 1-800-653-1360

The goals are to
  - agree on the goals
  - agree on an initial workplan
  - brainstorm on solutions


Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2003 13:13:42 UTC