Grouping Statements Proposal

Below are the basics of my proposal for statement grouping.



*	Policies are not relevant to how a user interacts with the site

	*	Users don't know what part of a P3P policy applies to
them and there activities on a site
	*	Users understand scenarios of how they interact with a
site better than a series of statements related to a feature of the site

*	Policy authors have to make highest common denominate policies
that could look more privacy impacting than they are for most users



*	Provide a method for showing the sections of the P3P policy that
apply to how a user interacts with the site/service
*	Allow an easy way for policy authors to describe what sections
of their P3P policy apply to different user interaction with their



*	User browses to ebay and views the P3P policy. They are able to
skip to the buyer section of the P3P policy since that is what applies
to them.
*	User browses to amazon and views the P3P policy. The can see
that since they are not logged in less information is collected about




The P3P author decides the name of the statement group which is used in
the display of the agent when it translates the nodes to natural









*	Do agents now show conflicts per grouping?


Jeremy Epling
Windows - Privacy and Trust UX

wpihelp <BLOCKED::>  - where to go for all your privacy questions


Received on Tuesday, 29 July 2003 22:00:34 UTC