Re: Comments on UA TF translations

On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 02:37:48PM -0400, Lorrie Cranor wrote:
> Maybe we should change to "Find out how to opt-in or opt-out at"

What about opt-in/out (shorter ;)
> >
> >=======================================================================
> ><ACCESS><all />
> >
> >It says: We give you access to all of our information that identifies
> >you
> >
> The definition of <all/> is restricted to "identified data" so "about 
> you" seems to broad?

But I find the 'identifies' a bit difficult because they have that
profile and now it identifies me ;). 'about you' is much more natural
and semantically works well with what we want to express. What you mean
is more of 'might be able to find out about you', which would work with
> >=======================================================================
> >
> >
> The service URL is always required, so maybe that should be the default

What text? A URI has no meaning here.. Just say 'for disputes click
here'? ;)
> >=======================================================================
> >
> >
> The definition of this element includes both the case that the info is 
> not collected and the case that it is collected but anonymized before 
> being stored.  That's why we use the term "keep" rather than "collect."

In this case, non-identifiable and non-ident are semantically equal
expressions in the user-interface.
That's what I want to prevent as non-identifiable is really much
stronger as non-ident in retention. Remember, non-ident is only about 
identified data and not identifiable data.



Received on Monday, 18 August 2003 05:45:39 UTC