MINUTES: 13 August 2003 P3P spec call

Minutes of the 13 August P3P 1.1 spec wg call

Lorrie Cranor
Patrick Hung
Rigo Wenning
Giles Hogben
Jeff Edelen
Eric Brunner-Williams
Ari Schwartz

1. Task force reports
  - P3P beyond HTTP - Patrick Hung
    - Nothing new to report.  Waiting for comments.
    - WG comments not yet provided to Liberty
    - ACTION: TF to decide what we want to propose for inclusion in the
      1.1 spec

  - User agent behavior - Lorrie Cranor
    - No comments received on last draft of translation
    - ACTION: All interested parties to please provide any comments this week
    - Some legal folks have expressed concern over aspects of the legal
      terminology used in the spec.  Attempting to collect a proposal to put
      forward to address these concerns.
    - ACTION: Lorrie to post a summary of the legal discussion

  - Article 10 vocabulary issues - Giles Hogben
    - Nothing new to report

  - No other TF reports discussed

2. Discussion of Ari's revised identified/identifiable/link
clarification draft.
  - Agreed that headings should be changed, bullet points removed, and
    verbiage around "usage" and "storage" re-examined.
  - Agreed to add rational explaining the need to distinguish between
    identified and identifiable
  - ACTION: Ari to update doc and distribute for review

3. Discussion of Jeremy's grouping draft and related proposals
  - Jeremy not present for discussion
  - Grouping has come up in a couple of contexts
    - A large number of statements on some policies may overwhelm the user.
      Grouping of statements can make reading the policy easier.
    - The same grouping mechanism could potentially be used for consent
  - Rigo expressed concern that the user would need to figure out what
    statement groups apply, and also that we should encourage multiple
    policies with relevant statements for a site versus a small number of
    large policies
  - Lorrie observed that many companies have valid legal and organizational
    reasons to use large policies, that they will do so, and that statement
    grouping may improve the user experience at least somewhat
  - Awaiting an updated specification from Jeremy that delves into more
    detail for potential inclusion in the 1.1 spec

4. Discussion of performance issues (raised by Jeremy)
  - Jeremy not available

5. Set date for next call (Aug 20?)
  - Not discussed (or maybe I just hung up too soon...)

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Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2003 13:15:35 UTC