draft response for 47 / MK1 (discussed in F2F5)

[Draft Response for LC Comment 47] MK1

Dear Marijke,

Thank you for your message
on the OWL 2 Web Ontology Language last call drafts.  This response
addresses the second and third parts of your message. 

The OWL working group realizes that keys are often functional (and thus
1:1).  OWL in general does not have a requirement that properties are
functional.  Non-functional keys may be useful in some applications, so
the OWL working group has worries that requiring keys to always be
functional would interfere with some potential uses of OWL.

In any case, as you say, properties can be made functional in OWL,
either locally or globally, and this provides for functional keys.
Therefore, the OWL working group does not intend to change OWL 2 or to
make any changes in the OWL 2 document in response to your comment.

Please acknowledge receipt of this email to
<mailto:public-owl-comments@w3.org> (replying to this email should
suffice). In your acknowledgment please let us know whether or not you
are satisfied with the working group's response to your comment. 

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
on behalf of the W3C OWL Working Group 

Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2009 13:09:18 UTC