new round of snapshots

1.  I think I've fixed the HTML entity problems that plagued several
    documents.  There is now a "diff-from-wiki.html" generated for each
    document, which should make it fairly easy to check for document
   ... etc

    So, actually, html->dom->html can't be done perfectly since it's not
    1-1.  This shows up in the diff for Syntax by highlighting a place
    where "|" was put in the wiki as a numeric entity, and the −
    entity was not used when it could/should have been.  Neither of
    these are a problem, and if they are changed in the wiki there
    should be no green/red in the diff except at the top & bottom.  (If
    it starts to be clean like this, I can automate the check of

2.  I'm not sure the References problem Alan was seeing.  My code was
    actually using "editors" whenever "author's" wasn't defined, so it
    cut over properly as far as I can/could tell.

3.  Test/Conformance had some broken anchors/links which I fixed

4.  Profiles has many broken fragments:

    Broken fragments and their line numbers: They need to be fixed!
        ref-conformance: 854, 904, 1664
        ref-owl-2-rdf-mapping: 1689
        ref-owl-2-rdf-semantics: 1660, 1697
        ref-owl-2-specification: 340, 437, 479, 497, 517, 520, 527, 537, 547, 554, 573, 688, 692, 731, 764, 821, 830, 912, 917, 960, 1012, 1028, 1049, 1074
        Relationship_between_OWL_2_RL_and_OWL_2_Full: 853
        OWL_2_RL_Ontologies: 844, 850
        ref-owl-2-direct-semantics: 1711 

5.  (I think the duplicate "Abstract" is actually correct.)

6.  I still need to put the SOTD text into place, and write the FPWD

I think that's it.  Maybe we can publish later today?

       -- Sandro

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2008 16:53:41 UTC