Re: SKOS in OWL 2

wow, this was really helpful for me - it clarifies some questions i  
had related to SKOS.  Am I right in assuming that, if S11 was resolved  
in some way to be in OWL 2 DL (e.g., by replacing rdfs:label with an  
object property owl:label as suggested before), then S56-S58 would  
also automatically fall into OWL 2 DL?

On 2 Oct 2008, at 00:18, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

> Here is my translation of the SKOS specification into OWL 2.  I  
> grabbed
> the 62 statements of the spec and put the OWL 2 translation after each
> of them (except for the ones that aren't OWL 2).
> I've included this both in-line (for easy perusal) and as a binary
> attachment (which may not get so mangled).
> peter
> ** Not in OWL 2 DL
> *** Not in OWL 2
> S1 	skos:Concept is an instance of owl:Class.
> Declaration( Class(skos:Concept) )
> S2 	skos:ConceptScheme is an instance of owl:Class.
> Declaration( Class(skos:ConceptScheme) )
> S3 	skos:inScheme, skos:hasTopConcept and skos:topConceptOf are each  
> instances of owl:ObjectProperty.
> Declaration( ObjectProperty(skos:inScheme) )
> Declaration( ObjectProperty(skos:hasTopConcept) )
> Declaration( ObjectProperty(skos:topConceptOf) )
> S4 	The rdfs:range of skos:inScheme is the class skos:ConceptScheme.
> PropertyRange(skos:inScheme skos:ConceptScheme)
> S5 	The rdfs:domain of skos:hasTopConcept is the class  
> skos:ConceptScheme.
> PropertyDomain(skos:hasTopConcept skos:ConceptScheme)
> S6 	The rdfs:range of skos:hasTopConcept is the class skos:Concept.
> PropertyRange(skos:hasTopConcept skos:Concept)
> S7 	skos:topConceptOf is a sub-property of skos:inScheme.
> SubPropertyOf(skos:topConceptOf skos:inScheme)
> S8 	skos:topConceptOf is the owl:inverseOf the property  
> skos:hasTopConcept.
> InverseProperties(skos:topConceptOf skos:hasTopConcept)
> S9 	skos:ConceptScheme is disjoint with skos:Concept.
> DisjointClasses(skos:ConceptScheme skos:Concept)
> S10 	skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are each  
> instances of owl:DatatypeProperty.
> Declaration( DataProperty(skos:prefLabel) )
> Declaration( DataProperty(skos:altLabel) )
> Declaration( DataProperty(skos:hiddenLabel) )
> S11 	skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are each  
> subproperties of rdfs:label.
> ** SubPropertyOf( skos:prefLabel rdfs:label )
> ** SubPropertyOf( skos:altLabel rdfs:label )
> ** SubPropertyOf( skos:hiddenLabel rdfs:label )
> S12 	The rdfs:range of each of skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and  
> skos:hiddenLabel is the class of RDF plain literals.
> PropertyRange( skos:prefLabel rdf:Text )
> PropertyRange( skos:altLabel rdf:Text )
> PropertyRange( skos:hiddenLabel rdf:Text )


> PropertyRange( skosxl:altLabel skosxl:Label )
> PropertyRange( skosxl:hiddenLabel skosxl:Label )
> S56 	The property chain (skosxl:prefLabel, skosxl:literalForm) is a  
> sub-property of skos:prefLabel.
> ** SubPropertyOf( PropertyChain( skosxl:prefLabel  
> skosxl:literalForm ) skos:prefLabel )
> S57 	The property chain (skosxl:altLabel, skosxl:literalForm) is a  
> sub-property of skos:altLabel.
> ** SubPropertyOf( PropertyChain( skosxl:altLabel  
> skosxl:literalForm ) skos:altLabel )
> S58 	The property chain (skosxl:hiddenLabel, skosxl:literalForm) is  
> a sub-property of skos:hiddenLabel.
> ** SubPropertyOf( PropertyChain( skosxl:hiddenLabel  
> skosxl:literalForm ) skos:hiddenLabel )
> S59 	skosxl:labelRelation is an instance of owl:ObjectProperty.
> Declaration( ObjectProperty( skosxl:labelRelation ) )
> S60 	The rdfs:domain of skosxl:labelRelation is the class  
> skosxl:Label.
> PropertyDomain( skosxl:labelRelation skosxl:Label )
> S61 	The rdfs:range of skosxl:labelRelation is the class skosxl:Label.
> PropertyRange( skosxl:labelRelation skosxl:Label )
> S62 	skosxl:labelRelation is an instance of owl:SymmetricProperty.
> SymmetricProperty( skosxl:labelRelation )
> <SKOS-spec.text>

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2008 09:53:45 UTC