review of the reference card

Hi all,

I had a look at

(and i don't know what role 

and must say it has largely improved since last time i looked.

- I would suggest to consider gathering all axioms into one  
'section' (ie., one section 'vocabulary?' for classes, properties,  
datatypes. etc and one for axioms (on classes, properties, datatypes,  
incl keys and another one for declarations?)?

- would it be possible to have "column headings" or an explanation  
thereof? And, even more grande, different syntaxes? As in the Primer?  
Perhaps this is too much, but one can always dream...

- "Shaded constructs are only available in OWL 2." could be explicated  
by "and was not present in previous versions of OWL.

- the third column often contains 'only' typing restrictions, whereas  
it contains some hints towards the meaning in other cases...I would  
suggest to unify this.

- should we really have lists in the quick reference list?

Cheers, Uli

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2008 18:24:39 UTC