Re: Proposal to resolve ISSUE-81

Michael Schneider wrote:

> But if contradicting property assertions such as
>     a r b
>     NOT ( a r b )
> would really be out of scope in RDF in principle, then I would not know how
> to answer the question why contradicting class assertions such as
>     a rdf:type c
>     a rdf:type COMPLEMENT(c)
> or contradicting class axioms such as
>     c1 owl:equivalentClass c2
>     c1 owl:complementOf c2
> should be regarded to be ok? 
> At least, I don't remember having ever heard RDF people complaining about
> the latter two.

Oh I only meant within RDF - complementOf is an OWL functionality.
Some capability to contradict oneself is present in RDF due to lierals, 
but it is a blemish in a system that is generally additive and liberal.

I think RDF applications that add a little-bit-of-OWL, will tend to 
avoid complementOf.
If you want negation, which OWL does provide, I think you want quite a 
lot of OWL ...


Received on Friday, 28 March 2008 14:55:19 UTC