Re: Allowed types of punning (ISSUE-114)

Boris Motik wrote:
> Hello,


> I believe that the use cases for "individual vs. anything" type of punning have been well documented in a number of publications.
> Thus, the only type of punning that could potentially be controversial is "class or datatype vs. some type of property".
> Right, I don't expect people really wanting to have a property called "xsd:integer"; however, I don't see how disallowing it makes
> the spec better. People can do this in OWL Full, and allowing this in OWL DL merely allows us to handle a larger percentage of RDF
> graphs. Moreover, I believe that there is no distinction between the semantics of punning in OWL Full and OWL DL; to be more
> precise, I don't think you can notice the difference at the level of consequences.
> The same holds for punning of the form "class vs. some type of property".
> Regards,
> 	Boris

As well, if OWL 2 allows individual/class and individual/object property 
punning (for example), it seems to me that it implicitly allows 
class/object property punning.  In fact, prohibiting the third kind of 
punning while allowing the first two is going to require some 
interesting behaviour:

Case 1 - OK, individual/class punning:

Declaration( NamedIndividual( ex:foo ) )
Declaration( Class( ex:foo ) )

Case 2 - OK, individual/object property punning:

Declaration( NamedIndividual( ex:foo ) )
Declaration( ObjectProperty( ex:foo ) )

Case 3 - OK, both of the above categories of punning:

Declaration( NamedIndividual( ex:foo ) )
Declaration( Class( ex:foo ) )
Declaration( ObjectProperty( ex:foo ) )

Case 4 - not OK?????, but a subset of Case 3?????

Declaration( Class( ex:foo ) )
Declaration( ObjectProperty( ex:foo ) )


Received on Thursday, 10 July 2008 02:17:53 UTC