Re: ISSUE-53 Proposal to resolve

On 2 Jul 2008, at 16:41, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
> I'd support creating a tracking issue for N-Ary if that feels  
> better. As was mentioned, Ian's suggestion was more along the lines  
> of consolidating the issues into one. On the matter of issue-5,  
> while Jeremy is no longer part of the group, the issues he raised  
> were relevant and I don't think they disappear because he isn't a  
> member of the group any more. He's still a W3C member, as is HP.

But that's not the grounds raised. HP functionally withdrew the issue:

I don't see the need for a new issue at all. We're discussing a  
proposal. There's one issue it would address. We can raise more  
issues as we find them. The above issue is withdrawn. Of course, the  
issue list is for the chairs, so whatev.


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2008 15:53:48 UTC