Re: ISSUE-95 (Datatype-facet compatibility in DatatypeRestriction): No compatibility restrictions between the datatype being restricted and the facets in the DatatypeRestriction construct

OWL Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> 2. Possible solution
> --------------------
> A possible solution would be to change the definition of DatatypeRestriction in the following way:
> - Rather than taking a dataRange as an argument, we should make DatatypeRestriction take a Datatype as an argument.
> - We should specify compatibility between different datatypes and factes. For example, we would say that fractionDigits could be applied only to the xsd:float datatype.
> This solution seems to be in line with the XML Schema way of handling things: if I am not mistaken, in XML Schema one cannot apply an arbitrary facet to an arbitrary datatype.

Just checked for the records and this is correct. Although it is, in the 
case of the XML Schema, slightly more convoluted:-(. Eg, I looked up 

and it says:

[Definition:]   minExclusive is the ·exclusive lower bound· of the 
·value space· for a datatype with the ·ordered· property. ...

and then one can find the definition of 'ordered property' and then 
check whether a specific datatype has this property or not.

OWL1.1 does not necessarily have to follow the same structure, though.


> Regards,
>  Boris


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
PGP Key:

Received on Monday, 21 January 2008 15:35:58 UTC