This is the response that Alan got from Deb:


I would like to be able to say a number of things. In my inference  
web work, I would like to be able to say about any triple  who told  
it to the system,  and what the context was at that time  (date,  
time, experiment conditions etc).
i further want to be able to say about some statement if i (or anyone  
else) believes it and the truth value. I would like to be able to let  
people such as wiki authors and users say in a (public or private)  
encoding if they believe a statement or an author or a comment.

So i really want to be able to encode comments about comments. It  
would be best if i could structure those comments in owl but if i  
just had a comment option for ANY triple - including comment triples  
- that would work.

That was why very long ago when pfps provided an early proposal that  
allowed annotations on annotations to be first class objects, i  
supported it.

Received on Wednesday, 6 August 2008 19:43:57 UTC