ISSUE-17 (role punning): REPORTED: Object and datatype role punning

ISSUE-17 (role punning): REPORTED: Object and datatype role punning

Raised by: Conrad Bock
On product: 

Reported by jlc415, Jun 11, 2007

The current model-theoretic semantics document allows punning between all signature elements, 
including punning between object and datatype role names.

It is extremely difficult to imagine a case in which punning between different types of roles would 
be anything other than user error. Furthermore, this semantic model is incompatible with that of 
OWL-DL. Under OWL-DL a role name was required to be given a single interpretation as object or 
datatype across all use in the ontology; under OWL 1.1 this is no longer the case.

Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2007 21:13:48 UTC