ISSUE-89 (rdf:type mapping): REPORTED: In the RDF mapping (*,rdf:type,owl:Class) triples do not map to axioms

ISSUE-89 (rdf:type mapping): REPORTED: In the RDF mapping (*,rdf:type,owl:Class) triples do not map to axioms

Raised by: Michael Smith
On product: 

The structural syntax defines ontologies using axioms, not entities (such as classes).

Based on the submission RDF mapping document, if a document contains only the following single RDF triple, the ontology contains no axioms.

:Person rdf:type owl:Class .

OWL 1.1 does contain declaration axioms, but the mapping uses new vocabulary, as in the following triple, which yields Declaration(OWLClass(:Person))

:Person owl11:declaredAs owl:Class .

The requirement to use the new vocabulary to have a class used in an axiom, and hence "in" an ontology, may cause backwards compatibility problems and may be inconsistent with user expectations.

This also holds for object and data properties.

Declarations are described at

Received on Thursday, 6 December 2007 16:10:27 UTC