[ANN] Tawny-OWL 1.1 released

I am please to announce the second full release of Tawny-OWL, my library for
fully programmatic development of OWL ontologies. The library now has a fairly
large feature set:

** Complete support for OWL2
** Integrated support for reasoning with HermiT or ELK
** Profile checking
** Fixtures and support macros for unit testing
** Use of external ontologies available only as OWL files
** Rendering of OWL API objects to Tawny code.
** Support for generating and using ontologies with numeric IDs.
** Support for multilingual labels.
** Protege Integration

Changes for 1.1.0:

 - Added a variety of new methods, including a newer syntax for individuals.
 - Type-hints have been added to all namespaces, which gives 2x or 5x
   speedups, depending on the namespace.

Breaking Changes:

This includes a number of small breaking changes, and deprecation of :subclass
and :subproperty frames.

Full details release documentation:


The library is now available from
Clojars (https://clojars.org/uk.org.russet/tawny-owl) or on
github (https://github.com/phillord/tawny-owl). Latest blogposts:

Feedback is welcome at tawny-owl@googlegroups.com.

Received on Tuesday, 29 April 2014 16:01:50 UTC