# KEHOME/knowledge/TheoryEpistemology/is.txt # 1999/4/28 # new syntax Sep/29/2002 #=====================# # the meaning of "is" # #=====================# # Reference: # Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary, # The Riverside Publishing Company, 1984. # (listed under "be") #=======# # sense # #=======# 1. to exist in actuality : have reality or life 2. to occupy a given position 3. to take place : OCCUR 4. to go -- used chiefly in the past and perfect tenses 5. (Archaic) to belong : befall 6. used as a copula linking a subject and a predicate nominative, adjective, or pronoun, in senses such as 6a. to equal in meaning or identity 6b. to symbolize : signify 6c. to belong to a given class or group 6d. to have or exhibit a given quality or characteristic #=========# # example # #=========# 1. I think, therefore I am. 2. The paper is on the desk. 3. ? 4. Have you ever been to France? 5. ? 6a. To be a Christian was to be a Roman. 6b. A is excellent, B is good. 6c. The human being is a primate. 6d. The coat is beautiful. All of us are human. #==============================# # KR translation of "is" sense # #==============================# 1. isa existent 2. isa existent # at location 3. ? 4. do go 5. ? 6a1. is* # meaning: see NOTE 6a below 6a2. is # identity 6b. means 6c1. iss* # species 6c2. isu* # unit 6d. has # attribute #===========================# # KR translation of example # #===========================# 1. I do think done implies I isa existent 2. at space=on the desk { paper isa existent } 3. ? 4. at time=past { you do go to France ? } 5. ? 6a1. Christian is* Roman # see NOTE 6a below 6a2. at time=past { Christian is Roman } but I think the actual meaning is at time=past { Christian iss* Roman } 6b. A means excellent; B means good 6c1. human being iss primate # species 6c2. the human being isu primate # unit 6d. the coat has beautiful; all we has human NOTE 6a: "x is y" means that x and y are in the same concept hierarchy (view), and that x and y are different names for the same concept. On the other hand, "x is* y" means that x and y are in different hierarchies, and that the x subhierarchy and the y subhierarchy are different views of the same units (the bottom of the concept subhierarchy). "is*" is not implemented in the current version of KR.