Re: on owl:imports

Jeremy mentioned an example that involved the set of documents
that import at least four ontologies. I've been wanting to
look at some data on how people are using owl:imports for a
while and this prompted me to do it. Swoogle has data on just
over 2.3M RDF documents it's found on the web. These include
about 11K imports relations. If we ignore a handful of
documents that import RDF, RDFS or OWL, there are 6661 unique
documents that import at least one documents and 1613
documents that are imported by at least one document.  There
are about 400 documents that import four or more ontologies,
including one that imports 41!

I posted some data on the ebiquity blog [1].



  Tim Finin, Computer Science & Electrical Engineering, Univ of Maryland
  Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Cir, Baltimore MD 21250. 410-455-3522 fax:-3969

Received on Friday, 15 June 2007 19:05:33 UTC