Namespaces -- Out of scope of OWL?

The OWL/1.0 abstract syntax is essentially silent on the subject of
QNames, namespaces and how to abbreviate URIs; I imagine this is because
they're a pretty thorny issue that's a bit implementation-specific.

The OWL/1.1 spec *does* have QNames etc, and includes namespace
declarations in the abstract syntax. I think it would be safer to remove
this and follow the OWL/1.0 path of leaving this up to implementors. The
treatment of names in OWL/1.1 is essentially exactly that of OWL/1.0
except that we use IRIs instead of URIs (as noted in OWL-concepts).

For example, if a user were to define 'amp' as a namespace prefix, they
may be surprised by the effects this has on certain bits of the XML
serialisation of their ontology.



Dave Turner  Cube T400, HP Labs Bristol, Filton Road, Bristol BS34 8QZ          +44 117 3129104 (Work) +44 7962 811627 (Mobile)

Hewlett-Packard Limited. Registered No: 690597 England
Registered Office: Cain Road, Bracknell, Berks RG12 1HN

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2007 09:02:17 UTC