RDFS compatibility information in OWL-DL documents

It is often the case that someone using OWL wishes to target some  
information for specifically for tools which understand RDF/RDFS in  
some way. A good example would be wanting to indicate to particular  
property should be considered a user interface label for a rdf  
"follow your nose" type of browser such as the tabulator (http:// 

In this case, the way to communicate this information to the  
tabulator is to make the property in question a subproperty of  
rdfs:label. However, doing such a thing brings an ontology in to OWL- 

Another example would be including the rdfs version of the OWL  
definitions (owl:AnnotationProperty  rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:Property)  
for those tools where it might be useful.

I am wondering whether we can add some standard way of indicating  
such information in an OWL-DL document, either syntactically, or via  
an appropriately named annotation property that we can advertise as  
being for this use.


Received on Sunday, 15 April 2007 10:49:45 UTC