Re: User-defined Datatypes: owl:DataRange vs rdfs:Datatype

On 12/5/2006 12:09 PM, Holger Knublauch wrote:
> PS: The family.owl linked from the OWL 1.1 web site currently appears 
> to be inconsistent with the RDF mapping spec (at least with respect to 
> the user-defined datatypes).
Yes, I've created the example based on the previous RDF mapping document 
and did not yet have a chance to update it according to the latest changes.

Looking at the new specification now, I realize that the property 
owl:dataComplementOf has been renamed to owl:complementOf. Wouldn't 
using the same property for classes and datatypes cause a backward 
incompatibility issue as owl:disjointWith (when used for properties) 
which was renamed to owl:disjointObjectProperties  and 
owl:disjointDataProperties in the latest version.


PS: Well, this might be being too picky buy why plural names were chosen 
for owl:disjointObjectProperties and owl:disjointDataProperties? We say 
[x owl:equivalentProperty y] so I would expect to say [x 
owl:disjointObjectProperty y].

Received on Tuesday, 5 December 2006 17:33:20 UTC