Re: Scope of haskey?

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 3:09 AM, Boris Motik <> wrote:
> Hello,
> The ontology should be consistent because keys don't take into account blank nodes. If they did, this might be counterintuitive because keys don't apply to objects introduced by the existentials; hence, this case was excluded by ISNAMED in the Direct Semantics.

Good. That was my conclusion as well, based on the direct semantics. I
think, then, that it is worth making this a bit clearer in . Note that
anonymous individuals are not described as objects introduced by
existentials in the structural specification. Rather they are
described as individuals whose names are local to the ontology.


> Regards,
> Boris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Ruttenberg <>
> Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 02:56:04
> To:<>
> Cc: Evren Sirin<>; Dmitry Tsarkov<>; Boris Motik<>; BillDuncan<>
> Subject: Scope of haskey?
> Is the following ontology consistent or not?
> Prefix(ex:=<>)
> Prefix(owl:=<>)
> Ontology(
> Declaration(Class(ex:c))
> SubClassOf(ex:c DataHasValue(ex:p "1"))
> Declaration(DataProperty(ex:p))
> HasKey(owl:Thing () (ex:p))
> ClassAssertion(ObjectComplementOf(ex:c) _:foo)
> DataPropertyAssertion(ex:p _:foo "1")
> Declaration(NamedIndividual(ex:o))
> ClassAssertion(ex:c ex:o)
> )
> The relevant bit of the specs seem to be in the structural specification
> A key axiom of the form HasKey( owl:Thing ( OPE ) () ) is similar to
> the axiom InverseFunctionalObjectProperty( OPE ), the main differences
> being that the former axiom is applicable only to individuals that are
> explicitly named in an ontology, while the latter axiom is also
> applicable to individuals whose existence is implied by existential
> quantification.
> And in the direct semantics:
> a denotes an individual (named or anonymous);
> ISNAMEDO(x) = true for x ∈ ΔI if and only if (a)I = x for some named
> individual a occurring in the axiom closure of O
> Table 9. Satisfaction of Keys in an Interpretation
> Axiom
> HasKey( CE ( OPE1 ... OPEm ) ( DPE1 ... DPEn ) )
> Condition
> ∀ x , y , z1 , ... , zm , w1 , ... , wn :
>    if x ∈ (CE)C and ISNAMEDO(x) and
>       y ∈ (CE)C and ISNAMEDO(y) and
>       ( x , zi ) ∈ (OPEi)OP and ( y , zi ) ∈ (OPEi)OP and
> ISNAMEDO(zi) for each 1 ≤ i ≤ m and
>       ( x , wj ) ∈ (DPEj)DP and ( y , wj ) ∈ (DPEj)DP for each 1 ≤ j ≤ n
>    then x = y
> --
> The direct semantics is the clearer and I think it says the ontology
> should be consistent because the haskey axiom is applicable neither to
> implied individuals that are members of ex:C, nor to the :_foo, and
> the description of individuals as either named or anonymous.
> The structural specification has a slight problem. There the scope is
> in terms of
> "individuals that are explicitly named in an ontology" and
> "individuals whose existence is implied by existential quantification"
> If "individuals that are explicitly named in an ontology" includes
> both anonymous individuals (which are actually named, in the syntax)
> and individuals typed namedindividual, then it is at odds with the
> direct semantics.
> If "individuals that are explicitly named in an ontology" only refers
> to the latter, then the documentation doesn't cover all cases,
> omitting anonymous individuals.
> --
> I have tested consistency of the above ontology with Pellet, Hermit,
> and FaCT++. Pellet says it is inconsistent, Hermit says it is
> consistent, and FaCT++ gives an exception seemingly to do with
> incomplete support for key axioms.
> I will put up a test case at the test site when it is confirmed what
> the correct behavior is.
> --
> I'm not sure it there is a need, but it is worth considering whether
> some comment on the reasoning problem satisfiability is in order given
> that it seems that in cases the result of this task depends on in
> "(CE)C ≠ ∅." whether (CE)C has an element that is named or anonymous,
> or not.
> -Alan

Received on Thursday, 15 September 2011 16:06:58 UTC