Typo in the Turtle Syntax to demonstrate "Complement of a class" the Primer


I have just noticed that the Turtle syntax demonstrating "complement of a
class" in the Primer is missing a line
"rdf:type owl:Class;"  just before  "owl:complementOf :Parent."

*The original syntax:*

:ChildlessPerson  owl:equivalentClass  [
   rdf:type            owl:Class ;
   owl:intersectionOf  ( :Person  [ owl:complementOf  :Parent ] )
 ] .

*The recommended syntax:*
:ChildlessPerson  owl:equivalentClass  [
   rdf:type            owl:Class ;
   owl:intersectionOf  ( :Person
                         [ rdf:type          owl:Class ;
                           owl:complementOf  :Parent     ]
 ] .

*Krishna Sapkota*
*Thesis Title: Semantic Framework for Regulatory Compliance Support*
PhD Student[09115130]
Email: k.sapkota@brookes.ac.uk
School of Technology, Wheatley Campus
Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, OX33 1HX

Received on Friday, 3 June 2011 11:32:38 UTC