Re: OWL 2 SS&FSS spec. editorial errors, comments

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 6:57 PM, Ian
Horrocks<> wrote:
> Regarding "side-effect", the hyphenated form is in the OED [2], so we didn't
> change it.

I'm sorry, but this is just wrong, regardless of what the OED says.
Check any manual of style and you'll learn that while hyphens are used
to form compound adjectives and adverbs, they are not used for
compound nouns (or at least not since the 19th century). In this case
there are many lines of evidence that "side effect" is correct. I
suggest you check the Wikipedia or US GPO manuals of style (both
online), or
, for expositions of the general principle. For an indication of
prevailing practice see the Wikipedia entry for "side effect", or do a
Google search for "side effect".  An amusing example is ...


Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 00:43:38 UTC