from October 2009 by subject

[LC response] To Daniel Barclay

[LC response] To Kaarel Kaljurand

[LC response] To Marco Luther

[LC response] To Marko Luther

[LC response] To Olivier Corby

[LC response] To Paul Tyson

[LC response] To Thorsten Liebig

Colons in Prefix Names?

OWL 2 Primer

OWL2 xml serialization group definitions

rdf:plainLiteral spec. - error (backwards example assertion)

Typo in the full OWL/XML example in the Primer

Typos in the OWL/XML variant of the sample ontology given in the OWL 2 Primer

XML Schema

Last message date: Thursday, 22 October 2009 14:10:29 UTC