thanks for owl:propertyDisjointWith and owl:propertyChainAxiom and the OWL 2 primer

The primer is great; I tend to think in turtle,
so having the option to look at it right next
to the other syntaxes is a _big_ help.

I think I've invented owl:propertyDisjointWith 6 or 7
times in the context of various projects... I tend
to call it opposite, but now that the semantics
are standardized, I can stop thinking about the name.

I had fun using it last night to show that certain
situations are contradictory:

{ ?X [ owl:propertyDisjointWith ?P ] ?Y.
  ?X ?P ?Z .
} => { ?Y owl:differentFrom ?Z. }.

cyc:temporallyDisjoint owl:propertyDisjointWith


cyc:temporallyDisjoint <paper1>.
cyc:temporallyIntersects <paper1>.


:Bob owl:differentFrom :Bob.

Likewise owl:propertyChainAxiom ; the "Axiom" on the end
seems a little redundant, but hey... it works!

{ ?P owl:propertyChainAxiom (?Q ?R).
  ?x ?Q [ ?R ?y ].
} => { ?x ?P ?y }.

# test case
uncle owl:propertyChainAxiom (parent brother).
sue parent [ brother bill ].


sue uncle bill.

For context, see some work in progress:

  A Model of Authority in the Web

including some N3 proofs using the rules above,
which I put in

The Makefile shows how the pieces fit together.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Thursday, 17 December 2009 17:18:06 UTC