OWL API: Implementation Report

Matthew Horridge (University of Manchester)

* System



Version 3.0.0 of the API will support OWL 2.  The code can be found at


Many tools that support OWL 2 rely on the OWL API.  Including

- Protege 4
- The NeOn Toolkit (next release)
- OWL Syntax Converter
- OWL Validator

Various reasoners provide implementations of the OWL API reasoner  
interfaces including, Cell, FaCT++, HermiT, Pellet, Racer Pro.

* Profile, Conformance

The implementation (syntactically) supports all of OWL 2.

* Ready to proceed to Recommendation?

I see no problems with OWL 2 proceeding to Recommendation.

Received on Wednesday, 5 August 2009 14:03:38 UTC