RE: RTX/RED/FEC packet routing

> [BA] Right.  I am wondering if the right answer is to add a pt_table entry for every codec that has parameters.encodings[i].ssrc unset.

Inaki said: 

"No. Given an encoding entry you don't know which feature codecs (CN, telephone-event, etc) it will carry. You only know the media codec (given in encoding.codecPayloadType).

Please check from here to bottom:"

[BA]  At least at the moment, feature codecs (CN, telephone-event, etc.) are included in parameters.codecs[].  

So we can check whether a payload type included in parameters.codecs[j].payloadType has no corresponding parameters.encodings[i].codecPayloadType entry or if it has an entry, that parameters.encodings[i].ssrc is unset. 

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2016 22:19:21 UTC