Issue 113: Section 9.7: RTCRtpCodecParameters

Currently, we have:

partial dictionary RTCRtpCodecParameters {
DOMString name = "";
unsigned short payloadType;
sequence headerExtensionURIs;

What does this mean for an RTCRtpReceiver? If a headerExtensionURI is not specified for a given payloadType, does this mean that the header extension will be ignored if it is included in an RTP packet with that Payload Type? Probably not.

Also, what does it mean for an RTCRtpSender? If the headerExtensionURI is not specified for a given Codec name and payloadType, does it mean that the header extension is never sent in an RTP packet with that Payload Type?

Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2014 23:40:36 UTC