Re: Discussion and Consensus: Call for vote

If the question is whether the W3C community group should be used as described in W3C process documents, then I'd give a hearty +1 to that.  Looking at the github repo, I see at least two very different API proposals, neither of which have been discussed in the W3C community group.  So it isn't obvious to me which if any of these is intended by their authors to be submitted to the group for discussion and development under W3C policies.

On Aug 27, 2013, at 23:57, "Erik Lagerway" <<>> wrote:

Two points for discussion...

I am seeing quite a bit of off-list discussion regarding work on the current API. I would like to propose that discussions regarding a change in functionality or addition of features, or something that equates to a change be openly discussed via the ORCA Community Group mail list before we implement the change.

Having the discussions via "Issues" on github or on a closed mail list is not likely to foster community culture, nor is it helpful to those who are part of the CG but are not on those other lists. Prior to the CG being formed those avenues for discussion we required, now that we have a Community Group, we should be using it as intended.

As part of this proposal, we should also abide by the W3C consensus policy (<>)

Consensus is will allow the group to have input on decisions being made which should increase the value of the API design itself.

In my humble opinion, starting with these 2 points should provide for a more healthy community, more transparency and hopefully more input on decisions being made.


Since we can have consensus via email..

All those in favor:  +1

Not in favor:  -1


Just a head's up, Robin is sick with the flu.

Erik Lagerway<> | Hookflash<> | 1 (855) Hookflash ext. 2 | Twitter<> | Blog<>

Received on Friday, 30 August 2013 07:52:31 UTC