Request for resources for "Core" Web technologies and "Educational Publishing" efforts

Hi All - below is a request for resources to work on a couple of new 
efforts that are being started:

1. The "Core" effort will explore the most important technologies for 
the core of the Web.  There was consensus that Application Foundations 
is a good starting point taxonomy to use in conducting this 
conversation. Chairs will be Marcos Caceres and Jeff Jaffe.

2. The "Education" effort will explore the technologies required to 
support the rapidly changing area of Educational Publishing.  This will 
range from creative publishing to engage K-12; domain specific needs 
(e.g. math, music) at the advanced level, and needs of novel delivery 
mechanisms such as MOOC.  Chairs will be Pierre Danet and Jeff Jaffe.

If you are interested in participating, see below, the minutes from this 
effort's November 14 meeting 
<> and their wiki/home 
page <>.

Marcos - if you have a recruiting "stump speech", by all means give it 
to us ;-).

-Thanks, AB

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Detailed agendar for: W3C Most important priorities task 
Resent-Date: 	Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:46:40 +0000
Date: 	Fri, 14 Nov 2014 11:46:25 -0500
From: 	Jeff Jaffe <>

Summary of decisions and actions from today's call.

1. We will have two sub-efforts of the "most important" task force.

  * The "Core" effort will explore the most important technologies for
    the core of the Web.  There was consensus that Application
    Foundations is a good starting point taxonomy to use in conducting
    this conversation. Chairs will be Marcos Caceres and Jeff Jaffe.
  * The "Education" effort will explore the technologies required to
    support the rapidly changing area of Educational Publishing.  This
    will range from creative publishing to engage K-12; domain specific
    needs (e.g. math, music) at the advanced level, and needs of novel
    delivery mechanisms such as MOOC.  Chairs will be Pierre Danet and
    Jeff Jaffe.  Pierre will look to bring in Domain experts.

2.  Information will be shared via the task force wiki [1]. Both efforts 
will use the task force mailing list.  Items that are specific to the 
Core effort will include [Core] in the subject line.  Items that are 
specific to Education will include [Education] in the subject line.

3. Each effort will meet bi-weekly, alternating weeks.  We will have a 
doodle poll to set up the time for the call.  We may or may not have the 
two calls at the same time.

4. We feel understaffed.  If you know of anyone who is interested in 
influencing the future direction of the web, please encourage them to 
join this public task force.



On 11/13/2014 7:36 PM, Jeff Jaffe wrote:
> 1. 10 minutes. Overview of project [1] and relationship to other 
> efforts.  In particular:
> Application Foundations [2].
> Multilingual W3C [3].
> Work not destined for success [4].
> 2. 10 minutes.  Discussion of how many sub-efforts to take on. Wiki 
> [1] proposes 5, we can add or subtract.  We should decide based on 
> which are most valuable and based on which projects have critical mass 
> to be successful.
> 3. 10 minutes.  How do we want to organize sub-efforts.  My proposal 
> is that each sub-effort should have a leader and some number of people 
> on the team.  Each should operate independently, but we should share 
> mailing list and wiki.  We may have joint meetings along the way.
> I'm open to alternative proposals.
> 4. 10 minutes. Overall schedule.  AB F2F report in February.  AC 
> meeting in May.
> 5. 10 minutes. For each task force, how does it want to progress? 
> Teleconferences?  Email?  Other approaches?  With what frequency.
> 6. 10 minutes.  AOB.
> [1]
> [2] 
> [3]
> [4]
> On 11/10/2014 10:07 AM, Maria Auday wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The W3C Most important priorities task force meeting is scheduled for 
>> Friday, 14 Nov at 10:00 am (ET). Details are below.
>> Date: Friday, 10 November
>> Time: 10:00-11:00 am (ET)
>> Dial-in: +1.617.761.6200
>> Code: 64783
>> Regards,
>> Maria

Received on Friday, 14 November 2014 17:45:00 UTC