Athletics Data Conference AthTech18 - Outcome and looking towards 2019

Dear all,

Thank you for attending AthTech last week.

Our groups of 40 people (including 13 Member Federations) saw a lot of interesting federations, but we can measure the success of this conference by the level of interaction, informal chats and networking which took place during the social moments.

For those who could not attend, please find attached the minutes of the conference, which can also be found on our website<>.

The presentations which were given during the presentations are here<>.

Let me thank again the speakers who contributed to the good organisation of this conference.

See you next year…and let us know if you have a good opportunity and location to organise next year’s conference.

Nicolas Launois
Technology Manager

European Athletics
Avenue Louis Ruchonnet 16
CH-1003 Lausanne, Switzerland

Telephone: +41 21 313 43 69
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Received on Friday, 19 October 2018 07:03:21 UTC