Re: Competitions calendar

Thanks, Andy.

I've had no much time to work on this since the last meeting, but I've
written some notes about taxonomies and codes you may need soon:

== Scope of competition:
 * World (IAAF, IOC, or similar)
 * Area. Including several nations or regions (EAA, Asian Athletics
Association Council, The Commonwealth, …)
 * National (National federations)
 * Regional/local (Narrower than national: locality, county, region, state,

== Types of Competitions
 * (MultiRoundCompetitions):
     * -> KnockoutCompetition
     * -> LeagueCompetition
 * (UnitCompetition) -> Match

== Disciplines:
BBC Sports Ontology defines a class called SportsDiscipline. With the
properties: discipline, subDiscipline, subDisciplineOf

As I mentioned in the last meeting, I've added the IAAF codes to the list
of event types. They are in the first column of this spreadsheet: [

Here, I have a doubt. Is it important to represent that the event is either
indoors or outdoors? In my opinion, yes.
If so, we would need to include some prefixes/suffixes to the abbreviations
(e.g., 1500m_i and 1500m_o). Perhaps this is not important for the calendar
(we could define it at a higher level). But my script could be interested
in gathering the best performances in 1500m indoors. Thoughts?

The document with all those notes is at



On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 1:06 AM Andy Robinson <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I probably can't make this Wednesday's call so am sharing some thoughts
> now.
> I will try to expose a query-able API for what we have now (basically
> the European calendar) for people to play with by the end of the
> coming week.
> Maxim Moinat (NL), Harry Prevor (USA) and Ivan Kachkivski (UKR) have
> all offered to share calendar data, as have we.   OpenTrack has the
> European calendar, plus definitive data for Estonia, Malta and (soon)
> Belarus, plus a lot of competitions in our part of the UK.
> We can provide a public, searchable database and APIs for
> contributors, but probably not until after mid-May due to another
> project.
> So I suggest that, without worrying about standardisations, anyone
> with a big competition database to share creates either a static
> download in Excel, or (ideally) a JSON URL which can be called openly,
> using whatever their natural field names are.   Then we can each see
> who has which fields available, and review and discuss classifications
> and how to search.
> We could then modify the field structure in our own database to match
> the consensus, and quickly generate APIs using Django ReST framework
> or something similar.  Hopefully these could be solid by end of
> season.
> --
> Andy

Received on Tuesday, 13 March 2018 16:10:57 UTC