Re: Open Data project

On 30 October 2017 at 19:50, Ivan Kachkivskyi <> wrote:
> Dear Mirko, Andy, Martin, OpenDataProject Team members,
> We in Ukraine, can work in November on sharing our data and on import/export
> format.
> Please coordinate us if there are any changes in standard from what I
> already seen in Algarve.
> I can also prepare export data from our databases, just tell me the format.

Good evening,

We realised around the time of the Algarve workshop that there were
some design mistakes in our format - for example athlete names being
repeated in many places.  We're correcting these now.  I hope we are
nearly there and can share an updated specification and some
validation tools early next week.

You can see an example here of the format we are aiming for...general
concepts should not change, but maybe some minor details around relays
and multi-events...
I also attach it as a file, as the live server might be returning
inconsistent data until the end of the week.

Next week we will also prepare a spreadsheet pack for 'reference data'
- e.g. setting up competitions and organisers/clubs - as several
countries are keen to load this up.

Best Regards,

Andy Robinson

Received on Monday, 30 October 2017 22:01:39 UTC