Re: Weekly call (11th Oct) cancelled

On 08/10/17 Martín wrote:
> Dear all,
> First of all, I would like to thank everyone who attended the workshop 
> in Algarve. I hope everyone was properly brought back home. I'm still 
> flying around the Iberian peninsula due to problems with my TAP 
> flights (at least they still fly):-/ Bicycling on those touristic 
> orange bikes of the hotel would be faster.
> I think it has been a very productive conference. Interesting feedback 
> that supports our work. We can say we are on the right way. I've 
> started to update the documents and I'll do a brief report with the 
> main comments and issues arisen during the different sessions. I'll 
> share it during this coming week.
> This week's meeting will be canceled. We will retake it on 18th Oct.
> Best,
> Martin

I'm sorry to read you had travel issues, Martín... (I imagine you're 
back home by now!)

Too bad I could not meet you all in Portugal; I look forward to reading 
about your work there.

"See" you next week, then.

Antonio Olmo Titos — web developer, W3C ·

Received on Tuesday, 10 October 2017 15:36:34 UTC