Informal guide to OpenTrack-Lite schema; validation tool

Good morning, everybody.

Prior to today's call, I am circulating a publicly readable Google Doc
which provides a friendly introduction to our schema.

We will update this with better examples and feedback over the next few days.

We also have the beginnings of a validation tool.   You need to
register with OpenTrack  (top right of page) to access it, to protect
us against abuse, but would need to do this anyway to send us data.

Finally, there is a link to the schema itself from the above page..

All these assets will change, improve and "tighten up" over the next
few weeks, but there should now be enough for people to start writing
export code for their competitions.

Best Regards,

Andy Robinson
Managing Director, ReportLab
Wimbletech Zone 2
35 Wimbledon Hill Road
London SW19 7NB, UK
Tel +44-20-8191-7277

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2017 07:10:10 UTC