Re: E-Democracy and Encouraging Civic Participation

Open Government Community Group,
Joseph Pollack,

As interesting, .  I would like to welcome interested participants to join the group as well as to expand on the list of tasks.

Kind regards,

Adam Sobieski

From: Adam Sobieski
Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎October‎ ‎20‎, ‎2015 ‎9‎:‎28‎ ‎AM
To: Joseph Pollack

Open Government Community Group,
Joseph Pollack,

The Synergy between Business Collaboration and E-Democratic Collaboration Scenarios

We can consider models of business collaboration scenarios as well as models of e-democratic collaboration scenarios.  The two scenarios create value for one another.  Current and new features for business collaboration scenarios provide value for e-democracy scenarios; ideas for new e-democracy features provide value for business collaboration scenarios.

We can review videos about current or upcoming collaboration software, office software, while mindful of e-democracy scenarios.  We can brainstorm new features for e-democracy scenarios.

Accolades for Civic Participation

A shared, nationwide, system of accolades can convenience HR departments in their processing of them for various organizational purposes.

Software for Cities

Software for cities scales to the 19,354 cities of the United States.  Both large cities and small cities are important to consider.  About 10% of Americans reside in the 25 most populous cities.  About 10% of Americans reside in the more than 80% of American cities, the more than 15,483 American cities, with fewer than 10,000 people each [1][2].

Modern Bureaucratic Processes

We can look to successes at the federal level while creating value for American cities.!aboutProgram!aboutPartners

Operating System Support

Operating systems or platform software services can perform service discovery, based upon users' geographical locations or settings.  A number of city-based services can provide functionality for platform API's, platform services, and interprocess communication.

Calendar Synchronization

The calendar apps that ship with major operating systems can provide settings to synchronize to city civics events.  There could be subcategories of events in the civics category of events.  Citizens could, by toggling a calendar app setting, become informed about the various opportunities to participate and to contribute.

E-learning Technology and the Well-informed Citizenry

Technology and techniques from e-learning, courseware, informational video production, the production, indexing, search and retrieval of such multimedia, could be of use for e-democracy scenarios.

Kind regards,

Adam Sobieski



From: Joseph Pollack
Sent: ‎Monday‎, ‎October‎ ‎19‎, ‎2015 ‎10‎:‎46‎ ‎AM
To: Adam Sobieski

Dear M. Adam Sobieski,

Where do I start? :-) Any task open at the current time that you would like to put me on?

Warm Regards,


On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 10:00 PM, Adam Sobieski <> wrote:

Open Government Community Group,


I would like to broach some topics pertaining to the advancement of technology, political participation and civic engagement.

I recently wrote to the American Philosophical Association, to a number of political scientists and to colleagues at technology organizations, presenting to them that technologies to strengthen and expand democratic participation, technologies facilitating city-scale e-democratic processes, are expected to emerge from capitalist forces. I presented that citizens are proficient in the uses of collaboration software from workplaces and can be well-informed about its applicability to e-democratic processes.

We can think ahead and can explore new practical theory to ensure the quality of city-scale e-democratic endeavors.

Collaboration Software

Collaboration software enhances the performance and productivity of arbitrarily large organizations. Users of collaboration software can envision and discuss its applicability to e-democratic processes and its facilitation of civic participation in the performance of some of the ordinary processes of city governance.

E-democratic models are myriad and include group processes which result in recommendations to mayors, city councils, city council committees or bureaucracies. Topics pertaining to collaboration software for e-democracy scenarios include the dynamics of self-organization, of task structures and of accessing vast information resources. Routing information and deliverables between groups, across sectors, is also a component of e-democratic processes.

Public sector employees at the offices of mayors, of city councilpersons, of bureaucracies and of other public sector organizations can utilize collaboration software interoperable with public e-democracy spaces as 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. participants of city-scale e-democracies. Technology can facilitate interoperation between the public sector and the public. Some public sector reports or documents can be components of broader groups’ scenarios and some public processes, documents or deliverables can be components of public sector scenarios.

Software such as Office Graph can ensure that relevant, fresh, information and documents are available to users including based upon their multiple simultaneous interests, tasks, groups or roles. Items that can be routed include documents, multimedia and data. Office Graph utilizes sophisticated machine learning algorithms to connect people to the relevant content, conversations and people around them. The metadata of workflows, of structured processes and steps of processes, of groups and subgroups, of tasks and subtasks, of topics and subtopics can be of use to algorithms for ascertaining contextual, task-based relevance to route and to present information to individuals.

Incentivization and Acknowledgement of Civic Participation through Social Media

Participation in democratic processes is time-consuming, potentially requiring hours per week or month, involves reading documents, viewing multimedia and participating in group discussions. Some might describe civic participation as volunteer work after 5 p.m.

Social media platforms can strengthen and expand e-democratic processes. Cities can utilize incentivization and validation systems such as integration with professional social networking websites (i.e. LinkedIn) to indicate and to acknowledge excellence of civic participation. New portions of professional social network profiles can be envisioned for civic participation. It could be as easy for users as selecting a checkbox, authenticating across services and configuring the connection between services to synchronize portions of their professional social networking profiles to showcase their accumulating accolades from civic participation. Social media platforms can connect to and synchronize with the collaboration software infrastructures of cities or systems that interconnect the infrastructures of multiple cities to convenience citizens as they move between cities.


There is some work to do. Alongside the New America Foundation, the GovLab at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, the Sunlight Foundation, the Knight Foundation, the United States Conference of Mayors and its Technology and Innovation Taskforce, I would like to invite each of you to continue to strengthen and expand e-democratic processes and to commence research into new technology, new uses of existing business and collaboration software, and new uses of professional social media websites for e-democracy and encouraging civic participation.


Adam Sobieski

Received on Wednesday, 21 October 2015 01:01:00 UTC